Fall Aeration: Why Your Lawn Needs It Before the Cold Hits

Fall is one of my favorite seasons as a playful chocolate lab named Alice. It is the perfect time to give your lawn a little extra attention before winter. Aeration is a key part of fall lawn care, helping to strengthen your grass and prepare it for the colder months ahead; making the grass nice and green for me to play in come springtime!

What is Aeration?

Aeration creates small holes in your lawn to let air, water, and nutrients get down to the grass roots. This process helps relieve compacted soil and encourages deeper root growth, making your lawn stronger and healthier.

Why Aerate in the Fall?

  1. Loosens Up Compacted Soil
    Over time, foot traffic and mowing can cause your soil to become compacted, making it harder for your lawn to absorb water and nutrients. Aerating loosens up the soil, allowing your grass to “breathe” and take in everything it needs to thrive.
  2. Prepares Your Lawn for Winter
    By aerating in the fall, you’re giving your lawn a head start before winter. Aeration improves airflow, water absorption, and nutrient uptake, all of which help your grass grow deeper roots and withstand the cold.
  3. Boosts Fertilization
    After aeration, your lawn can better absorb fertilizer, which helps the nutrients reach the roots. Fertilizing after aerating gives your lawn the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and green when spring arrives.
  4. Reduces Thatch
    Thatch is the layer of dead grass, roots, and debris that builds up on your lawn’s surface. Too much thatch can block water and nutrients from reaching the soil. Aeration helps break up thatch and keeps your lawn healthier in the long run.

Expert Lawn Aeration Services in New Hampshire

Fall aeration is one of the best things you can do for your lawn before winter. By reducing soil compaction and improving nutrient absorption, you’ll set your lawn up for success in the spring. Schedule aeration with Welch Lawn Care today to keep your lawn strong and healthy all year long!